Indian Security & Intelligence

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

BDR Action : New Type of Terrorism

The BDR action in Bangladesh indicates a crucial threat towards Terrorism. We have reports that Militants are trying to inject themselves in Security forces and in J & K they succeeded.

If Instead of killing their own officers they tried to kill general public then what could happen. In such type of incident the causalities are high just because it was unpredictable and no one ever thought about such incidents.

In India Bangladeshis are injecting themselves in Police and Key security positions by acquiring Indian citizenship so if you think about 10-20 years it might be possible that 50-100 Bangladeshis hijacked some state government. Its democratic type is seen in Asam, West Bangal, and in some other states. Our forces are aware of it but political leadership ignore it just for Votes.

Hope the Indian Politicians will understand the truth that if India is safe then their Chair is Safe neither none will exist...............



Let clear one point to Obama, USA and CIA that until Pakistan is in list we can not eliminate Terrorism from this world. Actually Pakistan , USA , Russia, Iran and China are playing their games and these Terrorist organizations are just means.

It will be difficult to Mr. Obama to accept but until CIA policy is not changed peace is not possible. USA (CIA) is expecting a SELECTIVE TERRORISM or CONTROLLED TERRORISM which is not possible. Its very difficult to defeat Alquida because :

1. Its a thinking, lifestyle, ideology, worship.

2. US actions about Irak, Iran and Afghanistan are nourishing it.

3. Some nations have their own points to support Terrorism for their own logic.

4. Weapon producers and suppliers do not want a peaceful world.

5. Poverty and Unemployment

Actually the unjustified and illegal capturing of resources is mother of all problems. US wants to capture worlds oil for his own use without paying appropriate cost. Same thing happened in Africa for Gold, Diamonds and other minerals and the result is a most unstable Africa.

Most of the people are in doubt that US (CIA) is fighting with Terrorist, NO, CIA is just imposing pressure to control their command and then it will start using them in the area. Russia and China wants to eliminate terrorist from their region but same time use it against USA and India respectively.

Indian policy makers must be aware that the Ultimate target will be India from all the sides. ISI is keen to initiate a war because then all their actions and reactions will be justified by default and no one will raise a question. Second people will be diverted from the core issue Terrorism and Democracy.

For India a Strong Pakistani Leadership will be beneficial no matter it is democracy or military rule. So just keep your border at high alert specially in Bangladesh region.
