Indian Security & Intelligence

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Issue of Fake Currency

For last few months we are more concern with this issue but if you remember in year 2006 there was inputs from RAW and IB that some one in Pakistan importing same ink and same paper by same source. But that time no one acted and the result we are experiencing.

Actually the main problem is the lack of inter departmental communication. IB and RAW just collect information and pass to their senior authorities without making sure that action was taken or not.

It is a great unfortunate fact that being nuclear power we are not capable to produce unique ink and paper and still depend on outsiders who are just businessman.

I am sure approximate 10-20 % notes in market are fake and most of them from Pakistan.

What we should do:

1. Try to prepare our own ink and paper and implement more security mechanism.

2. Force supplier to not supplying same ink or paper to any other party or country.

3. Setup a group which will not only destroy D company but also to kill D gang because this group is mother of all evils.

4. Enforce strict laws.