Indian Security & Intelligence

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why India is Playing in Hands of Developed nations ?

For last few months we realize that India is caught in nexus of developed nations and some one is trying to engage India and China in a cold war. I think China may be a threat to India but not in such a manner that one should get ready for a war. Both countries have power to destroy each other and both know it.

Actually CIA and USA are caught in a situation where they wants to divert world attention towards new issue. They are facing trouble in managing Irak, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan issues. They have no reason to justify their act thats why they are trying to open new fronts.

In recent clashes with China, USA was clearly beaten thats why they a looking a shoulder to put their gun and control fire.

The coming 3-5 years are going to be very very critical for India and the best option is to keep moving ahead without a conflicts with any one.